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Refusing your booster vaccine won’t help poorer countries | Letters

Declining a jab won’t promote the international availability of vaccines, say Stephen Mullin and Marilyn Howard, suggesting alternatives ways to help. Plus Tina Foster has good reason for having hers

In response to Christopher Cheetham’s letter (21 September), I do not wish to disparage his sentiment of promoting the international availability of vaccines, but I must disagree with his proposed action. Refusing a Covid booster in the UK is not the way to increase the availability of vaccines in the world. Such action will only lead to wasted doses. Furthermore, an undervaccinated population will put an increasing strain on the NHS, and places our physically nearest and dearest at greater risk. Greater production of vaccines and their coordinated distribution internationally has to be a better answer.
Dr Stephen Mullin
Consultant clinical neuropsychologist

• Declining a booster could lead to vaccines being wasted rather than sent overseas. I, and many others, would be happy to donate our boosters if tests showed we didn’t need it, according to research by Imperial College. Without this, my inclination is to have the booster to protect my own and others’ health, and reduce the demands on the NHS. Instead, people could donate to one of the organisations involved in Covax (for example, Unicef or Vaccinaid) and campaign for the government to do more. The petition here might be a start: .
Marilyn Howard

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